Should you pay now or later? For faster stabilisation and high
performance, we advocate involving and engaging people early in the
process. Depending on the scope of the redesign and resource
commitments, the process can take anywhere from 30 days to 12 months.
should be in charge of the redesign? The decision of whether to build
or buy a solution is critical to the success of the end product.
Unfortunately, companies that rely on their internal HR functions to
develop their own in-house solution frequently face teams that lack the
necessary experience.
Organization design
is a complex business solution that necessitates the acquisition of
specialised skills. This skill development cannot be accomplished in a
single workshop; rather, it necessitates knowledge acquisition,
application, practise, feedback, and support over time. Internal change
agents are only prepared to lead the organisation to the most effective,
impactful course of action with the highest ROI if they have ample
experience and development.
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